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Healthcare / Medical Equipment Study #2

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SBA successfully coordinated and managed a large national “swap-out” program for a worldwide industry leader in the medical aesthetics market.

Project Requirements / Specifications

  • High-value Equipment with High Damage Risk
  • Centralized (one-source) Customer Service Center
  • Door-to-Door; Inside Deliveries
  • Lift-gate Trucks
  • Multiple Men
  • Scheduled Appointment Pick-ups and Deliveries
  • Packing-Unpacking, Crating
  • Onsite Installation
  • Debris Removal
  • Secure Warehousing and Storage; Consolidations


In 2006, our client was referred to us by another major technological leader in the medical aesthetics market for a level of test-run business. In the course of a 4 week time span, SBA handled more than 100 “swap-out” shipments for this client all across the United States. As a manufacturer and supplier to various medical clinics, our client needed to ensure that their fragile medical equipment arrived on-time and undamaged.

SBA’s Solution

Systems were picked up from the client’s California warehouse, then sent to our coordinating warehouse where they would be shipped via ground to individual clinics across the country. A single office coordinated the shipments to provide the client with a single point of contact, while operations across the country provided final delivery service.

At the delivery site, the new systems were delivered inside the clinic, unpacked, installed and the old units were re-packaged in the same box and delivered back to the SBA coordinating warehouse for storage. By outsourcing the packing and returns, the client freed up their sales staff so they could concentrate on selling.

The final part of the swap-out program involved a consolidated return of all the old/replaced systems from SBA’s coordinating warehouse to the client’s warehouse – thus passing on more cost savings to the client.

The Results

  • SBA successfully completed this swap-out program without a problem.
  • SBA is currently working with the client to support more custom programs.
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